The Versatile Blogger Award!

Sunday, 26 July 2015
Hey you guys! So today I am here with a very special post because I was nominated by the lovely Kirstie from Kirstiekins Blogs (link here for her Twitter and her blog) for the Versatile Blogger Award! Now personally I haven't heard of this award but it's the second that I've been nominated for this month so I am feeling extremely grateful! Kirstie is a lovely, lovely person so you should definitely go and check her out!

Now as for the rules to this award you have to thank the person who nominated you (check), include a link to their blog (check), tell them 7 facts about yourself that they might not know and then tag a bunch of bloggers who you follow regularly and think are worthy for the award.

So on with the facts about me. I've had to think quite hard about some of these because I'm not usually that open to discussing about myself, but here we go!
Fact 1: As ambitious and dynamic as I seem on my blog, and on my Twitter, I'm actually ridiculously shy. Put me in a social situation and I am bound to linger towards the back and hide from everyone. I try to avoid going outside as much as I can and when I do, I walk very quickly to and from that place, aiming to get back home as soon as I can. Whilst the idea of BEA or YALC excites me it also terrifies the living daylights out of me.

Fact 2: I'm currently taking driving lessons at 22 years old and whilst my driving instructor calls me a natural, I have a distinct fear of anyone on the road. As soon as I see another car my mind goes into natural panic that I'm going to hit it, so I have been known to drive very slowly and then speed up when the car has passed. My instructor hasn't noticed it... yet.

Fact 3: In less than 4 weeks I will be getting a new puppy! Unfortunately my first dog passed away last year and I've been dying to get a new dog. The house just feels to empty without him. The new dog is a Springer Spaniel called Oscar and he is adorable! I can't wait to bring him into the family and smother him with love. (Don't worry guys,  you'll see plenty of pictures on my Twitter and Instagram!)

Fact 4: When it comes to book OCD, I think mine really takes liberties. I recently bought new copies of the Harry Potter books in the new UK paperback editions. Whilst I wanted the hardbacks, they were just too expensive. For every book that arrived, I found a fault. I have a stack of 'damaged' paperbacks just sitting at the end of my bed waiting to be sent back to Amazon. Some of the paperbacks simply have grease prints on them. It's just unacceptable to me. They need to be pristine.

Fact 5: I've recently fell in love with collecting Funko's Pop Vinyl figures and I cannot wait until the Harry Potter set are released so I can collect them all! Goodbye bank account!

Fact 6: I am petrified of falling. It's probably my biggest fear and get I have the biggest urge in the world to go skydiving. It's on my bucket list. I know, crazy right?

Fact 7: My favourite TV show at the moment is Once Upon a Time. I'm obsessed with fairy tales so naturally I think this one is amazing. Regina is my favourite, obviously, she's bad ass. Also, Season 5 needs to premiere, like now.

So there are the 7 facts about me! I hope you guys learnt something new about me, and hey if you already knew some of those then yay, you're awesome and obviously I class you as a good friend! Now to tag some people! In the original post it's suggests that you tag 15 people but in reality, who got time for that. I shall tag 5! 

If I tag you there is no obligation for you to actually respond to this award but I think it would be nice. If you do respond with a post, don't forget to tag me on Twitter and in your post so I can see it and find out some awesome information about you!

I tag:

Joshua (@JoshuaJVlogs)
Charnell (@reviewbookworm)
Kayleigh (@K_Books)

I hope you all enjoy being nominated and I look forward to seeing what facts you guys come up with! Good luck!


  1. Ah this was great! I feel the same way with leaving the house, I am so socially awkward, its ridiculous! I quite often have to bribe myself to do things: "If you go to this place today, and do that stuff that you don't want to do, you can reward yourself by watching TV shows on Netflix for the rest of the day AND buy a new book from your wishlist." AND YAS for OUAT, I am addicted to Regina's character development, and just the show in general! PS, Funko have just released OUAT POP's! Excited isn't even the word!!! >.<

    1. I am so glad I'm not the only person to feel this way! I tried bribes but I just overrule myself too often! Oh my goodness I know, I am so excited to get me a mini Regina!!!


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