Behind the Username Book Tag!

Monday, 20 July 2015
Hey guys, so I'm here today with what I hope is an original book tag. I call it the Behind the Username Book Tag!

The rules are really simple, tell us what the reason is behind your username, then
 count the amount of characters in your username and choose that number book on your bookshelf and tell us what it is/whether you've read it! However as a bonus, see if you can write your username like an acrostics poem, providing a relevant book for every letter of the name!  I know it's a lot to ask but I thought it would be fun! Here we go!


The Blogger's Bookshop

Reason behind username: 

I have always found comfort in bookshops, something that I’m sure 99% of people in the book community would agree with. So because they had that special place of comfort and safety I knew I had to incorperate it into my blog name somehow. Now what to put it with… well I first started my blog over on Tumblr and that is a place for bloggers to come and lose themselves for hours on end, much like a book lover in a bookshop! Perfect! However, bloggersbookshop didn’t feel right, it just felt like I had thrown two words together (which is essentially true). I thought of abloggersbookshop but I didn’t really feel it, I wanted to make it individual and slightly unique to me. In the end I replaced the ‘a’ with ‘the’ and it soon became thebloggersbookshop that I know and love today! 

Number of characters in username:


Book number 19 on my shelf:

Bootleg by Alex Shearer 

Have I read it?

Yes! This book has a backstory as well! This is one of the earliest books that I remember reading and probably one that got me enjoying them as much as I do (besides Harry Potter of course!) It’s basically about a ban on chocolate and how two boys start to run their own illegal business of making and selling chocolate! It’s pretty much a modern day prohibition of alcohol. This was one of my childhood favourites and unfortunately my copy got thrown away. That was until I managed to find a like new copy in a second hand bookshop I just happened to pass while I was on holiday in the Lake District! I was so happy to find it and I’ve just recently read it again and it was just as good. A definite recommendation! Go and check it out! 

Acrostics time!

T - The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
H - Hollow City by Ransom Riggs
E - Etiquette and Espionage by Gail Carriger

B - Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas
L - Legend by Marie Lu
O - One by Sarah Crossan
G - Goliath by Scott Westerfeld
G - Goblet of Fire by J.K.Rowling
E - Ensnared by A.G. Howard
R - Remix by Non Pratt
S - Seconds by Bryan Lee O-Malley

B - Brisingr by Christopher Paolini
O - Off the Page by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer
O - Outlander by Diana Gaboldon
K - Killer Game by Kirsty McKay
S - Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
H - Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
O - Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
P - Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling

Wow that was harder than I originally thought! So many O's to try and think of! Okay so maybe I cheated a bit and removed 'The' from some of the titles! You'll see how difficult it is if you try it yourself! 

Okay, now it's tag time, I tag:

Gill - @book_magpie
Sophia - @brokefrombooks
Naomi - @naomi_books
Lauren - @_itslauren_JLS
Jenny - @jennymarston_xo

There we go guys, I hope you have fun with this tag, I tried to make it as entertaining as possible, even if it is a tad time consuming! Tag me in your blog posts and on Twitter so I can see your responses! 


  1. you certainly had a lot of books to find didnt you, bet you wish you had a smaller name now LOL
    great tag, really enjoyed it.


  2. This sounds like a fun tag, Daniel! :) I'd want to do this someday. Teehee. Very creative! :D

    Fiona of A Girl Between the Pages

    1. Thank you! If you want to do it, just do it! You don't need to be tagged :D


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