The Brotherhood of the World Bloggers Award

Monday, 27 July 2015
Hey guys, I'm here again with another blogger award! Oh my how I feel special. Three awards in the space of a month? Guy's, I'll just take my BAFTA now! Wait.. there's no trophy? Oh. Ah well, one day! 

So I have been nominated for the Sisterhood BROTHERHOOD of the World Bloggers Award! I was given the privilege to be a honorary sister for the day, but I think it's about time we celebrate the awesomeness of men in the book blogging community! Am I right lads?!

The rules for accepting this award are as follows:
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the ten questions sent to you.
  • Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Nominate some blogs.
So thank you very much to Gill at The Happy Reader (links for her Twitter/Blog here). Gill is an awesome, awesome person and I love reading the posts she puts up. If you haven't checked her blog or her Twitter out then you totally should! You're missing out on some classic content!

On to the questions! Gill has provided me with 10 questions to answer so without further ado, let's get started! 

Question 1. What's the best ARC you've received this year? 
Oh this is a difficult one because I've received so many awesome ones! Remix... One... Night Owls...Ahh Gill this is hard! Okay, okay I think I'll have to go with my most recent one, ILLUMINAE by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. It's the 'best' one for me because it's also the first blogger's brunch I'll be attending for an ARC. I'm very excited!

Question 2. Paperback or Hardback, which is best and why?
Once again, very difficult. I prefer both for different reasons! I enjoy hardbacks for the way they look on the shelves and their durability but I also like paperbacks for their flexibility and their ease to hold. I prefer my contemporary books in paperback because I think it fits well with the theme but any Sci-Fi/ Fantasy or Dystopia have to be in hardback! Also, hardbacks tend to have a standard size unlike paperbacks which can come in the majority of sizes and that bugs me to no end. BOOK OCD!

Question 3. Do you have an eReader and do you prefer it to a physical copy of a book?
I do have an eReader in sense. I had a Kindle until it died so now I'm forced to read eBooks on my iPad which is not preferable. Too much glare! On holiday I think I prefer eReaders because there's not always room in the suitcase for all of the books I read. If I can get myself a physical copy of a book then I totally will. Book collector at heart!

Question 4. Whats the first book you remember buying and how old were you?
Ooh the first book I remember buying? Good question Gill! Whilst my memory is good, trying to remember what the first book I bought was is tricky. One of my earliest recollections of physically buying a book was actually at the release of an independent author's book. I walked into Borders (my local bookshop at the time) and there was this man signing copies of the first two books in his series. The series is called Aqua Crysta and they're written by James David. The first two books came out in 2004 so age wise I would have been 11. Wow. The books are signed and personalised to me which makes me really happy! 

Question 5. What fictional character would you like as your best friend?
A best friend.. Ooh easy! Leo Valdez from the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan. I don't think I have to explain why but I will anyway. Leo is hilarious, sarcastic and just a very upbeat character. He would make an amazing friend. Team Leo all the way!

Question 6. Who is the nicest author you've ever met or chatted to online?
Nicest author I've met or chatted to online. Difficult... Very difficult. I'll go authors I've met because they're not many. Sarah J Maas was lovely but we didn't get a great deal of time to chat due to the popularity of her signing so I'd have to go with E.Lockhart. Emily came to visit Newcastle not so long ago and because there wasn't a huge turnout for the event, it means we got to spend time chatting to her and really taking in and enjoying what she had to say. She was an absolute delight to meet and I would happily do so again!

Question 7. What book has been on your shelf the longest that you just havent gotten around to reading?
Ha, ha, ha. Basically anything on my shelf. I've had books on there for years that I haven't touched so we'll go with the first book I see... The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. Bought the hardcover years ago, and I'm yet to touch it. I will get around to it eventually!

Question 8. What book parents would you like to have as your own?
Ooh book parents! Well it would have to be ones that genuinely seem to care but have that sarcastic and witty personality to match that of my own parents. I'd have to say Hazel's parents from The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. As cliche as it is, there's a quote in the book about throwing Hazel out on the street because they're not sentimental people. Now naturally it's a joke but it instinctively made me think of my mum and dad and the jokes we'd have when I was a child.

Question 9. Which book could you read over and over again if your TBR pile wasnt so overflowing?
Oh a nice easy one. This book goes with me wherever I move to, even if I have to leave all my books at home but it's cliche and an obvious one. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. That book encouraged me to read and opened my mind up to a world of magic and endless possibilities when I needed it most in my life. Definitely would read it over and over for the memories it has.

Question 10. Explain your love of books to an alien who has just landed on planet Earth? 

(For those of you who don't speak Klingon, first of all what is wrong with you? It's a vital language you need to know if we ever get invaded! Second of all, here's the English translation: Where do I even begin with my love of books? I adore books for the escapism they bring to everyday life. It's also sometimes really nice just to sit back and enjoy the stories of other people. Watching them have adventures and just wishing that one day you could go on your own. Adventure is out there in multiple possibilities, we've just got to find the right story to take us there.)

So there we go, there are my answers to Gill's questions. Now I'm supposed to come up with 10 questions but I'm not overly creative and I really like Gill's questions. So if I tag you then you need to answer the questions above!

As I have changed this to the Brotherhood of the World Bloggers Award, I think it's only fair we celebrate some dudes up in this blog. So, without further ado, here are the people I'm going to tag!

Kieran @GayMonst3r
Stephen @DarkReaders

If you're going to accept this nomination for the award the usual rules apply, link me on your blogpost and on Twitter so I can read it and genuinely just have fun doing it. Enjoy!


  1. Oh I had such a chuckle reading your answers. I knew you'd like them. Brilliant the way you changed the icon too with the beer glasses.
    What do you mean you havent read The Ocean at the end of the lane? get reading it soon, it is FAB!
    thanks for taking part and so quickly again.

    1. Oh I'm glad! Ha, thank you - totally inventive, I promise!

      I'm sorry! It's just sitting there starring at me. I'll try to get to it ASAP!

      No problem at all, thanks for nominating me. :)


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