July Book Haul

Tuesday 21 July 2015
Hey guys! I thought I'd do a little post that amalgamates all of the photos I've put together on Instagram over the past few weeks to document the books I got in the month of July! Now these are a combination of books that I've either bought myself, have been bought as a gift or have been sent by the wonderful people in the publishing industry! I thought I'd turn this into a monthly segment for my blog so you guys can see the books that I'll be reviewing in the near future, and hopefully this builds up your excitement for them as much as mine!

So without further ado, here are the books that I received in the month of July!

I feel extremely lucky this month because I received some amazing titles! I don't quite think I've ever anticipated book post as much as I have in the past few weeks. I know I've been running around like a headless chicken trying to gather everything up! Now I feel quite fortunate because I haven't actually purchased any of the books that are in the photo above. Looking back on the month I realise I have bought some books and I've just forgotten to include them, so they will be in next months hall because with being away on holiday etc, I expect the book haul to be a lot smaller than this months! Luckily, a lot of the books featured in this pile I have already started, read or I plan to take on holiday with me, so lots of reviews are coming your way guys if not already here!

Starting off with the books I was sent for review this month:

As I said before, I feel extremely lucky because some of these titles I've had my eye on ever since they were announced, so when I enquired to the various publishing houses about review copies, I was thrilled to be accepted and then watch as they fell through my mailbox in the weeks leading up to now.

This month I received books from: Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, Bloomsbury and Chicken House. I am extremely grateful to them all!

These are the books I have received and their release dates:
Armada by Ernest Cline (16th July 2015)

The Potion Diaries by Amy Alward (2nd July 2015)

Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas (2nd July 2015)

Killer Game by Kirsty McKay (2nd July 2015)

Zeroes by Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan and Deborah Biancotti (24th September 2015)

One by Sarah Crossan (1st September 2015)

You'll probably notice that some of these books are already published and it's not necessarily because I'm a bad and late reviewer, but more because I requested the books after their publication!

Moving onto the books I was sent not by publishing houses:

The lovely, lovely Cicely from @ciclovesbooks on Twitter (link to her profile here) put up a photo of books she was getting rid of, and did anyone want them. I instantly saw the paperback ARC of Off the Page and The Walled City and dived for the chance, snagging up Between the Lines as well!  I am so grateful to Cicely because even though I offered to pay postage on the books, she sent them to me free of charge. She's such a wonderful person so go and check her out! Share the love!

These are the books I have received and their release dates:

The Walled City by Ryan Craudin (2nd July 2015)

Off the Page by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer (4th June 2015)

Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer (20th June 2013)

I cannot wait to get to these books! I'm so happy that I have the ARC version of Off the Page because the paperback won't come out for at least a year! I'm super excited for The Walled City as well, it's been on my TBR for a while!

Moving onto the books I was bought as gifts:

Now I've got a proof copy of Remix by Non Pratt, but I knew from the cover and also how awesome it is to support such an amazing book, that I wanted to final edition, as well as Trouble. I've also wanted The Baby by Lisa Drakeford since I heard about it. I was out book shopping with my lovely girlfriend, her mum and her aunts and when I went to pay for the books at Waterstones, one of her aunts who I adore dearly offered to pay for the books as a gift. I hesitated but she insisted! She's too kind! I'm spoilt.

These are the books I have received and their release dates:

The Baby by Lisa Drakeford (2nd July 2015)

Trouble by Non Pratt (6th March 2014)

Remix by Non Pratt (4th June 2015)

At present, I've already re-read Remix and I've only just finished Trouble, which I also adored! I cannot wait to get to reading The Baby because it sounds so brilliant! If you haven't head about it, I would definitely check it out!

So there we have it! All of the books I received this month! 12! Jeez! All of the people who sent me/ bought me books are so generous and I cannot thank them enough! I do not deserve all of these but it's kind that you think of me! Obviously I have missed a few out (colouring books and some recent purchases yet to arrive) but I'll put them in next months haul! 

Let me know what books you guys have recently purchased/received for review etc in the comments below or on any of my social media platforms. I'd love to hear about them! If you have any specific recommendations then definitely let me know, I'm always open to suggestions! 

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